Scott Honer
For Orchard Park Town Council
Scott Honer is a lifelong resident and graduate of the Orchard Park Schools, Canisius College, where he played Division I Lacrosse, and Mercer University, where he obtained his MBA. Scott is an experienced Financial Services Manager of a professional media equipment firm. He is also a volunteer treasurer for St. Vincent De Paul Society and is currently serving on the Town’s Architectural Overlay District Board. Scott and his wife, Kathy, have a son who is a senior at the University of Buffalo.
My Credentials …
- Endorsed Republican and Conservative Candidate
- Twenty years as a Senior Financial Manager with Fortune 500 Companies
- Three years on the Architectural Overlay District Board
Where I Stand …
- Enhance citizen services and ensure they are performed quickly, effectively, economically, and openly
- Build on town and village revitalization by implementing best practices
- Streamline procedures to operate a business in OP based on input and feedback
- Respect and Support our Police, all other first responders, the military, and veterans with a focus on public safety
- Drive fiscal responsibility